Writer. Speaker.
Talking about The Future of Work & Building Startups

The world has witnessed three step functions in technological change: mechanization, electrification, and computerization. These industrial revolutions led to massive increases in productivity and thus we need far fewer workers. With each of these technological breakthroughs, the power balance between companies and workers shifted heavily to companies. The abuses of that power by companies instigated employee unrest and sometimes even armed uprisings. Counterbalancing forces rose to constrain companies’ power, eventually prompting unions, regulation, and the social safety net to bring stability to the relationship.
“Jeffrey Wald develops a vision of what the workforce of the future will look like as we grapple with convergence, artificial intelligence, and robotics—real factors rapidly shaping the future of work... Jeff offers insights that will enable leaders to frame their people strategies as we rapidly scale into an era of the on-demand worker and agile workforce”
—Doug Peterson, President and CEO, S&P Global